Mary's Cuddle Facilitation and Communication Coaching Home | What I Do | Schedule | Writings | Media/Resources/Other | Contact Me WHY IS THE CUDDLE PARTY WELCOME CIRCLE SO LONG? BECAUSE IT NEEDS TO BE! THIS ARTICLE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION AND NOT FINISHED YET. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. 4/25/2022 I wrote a blog article the day after I hosted a Cuddle Party for 33 participants. With that many people, the Welcome Circle was a lot longer than usual because everyone has a chance to participate. It took more than one and half hours. At the end of the event, all the feedback I got was overwhelmingly positive, except - multiple people told me the Welcome Circle was too long. Now, I did add a little exercise of my own that extended the circle a bit. Folks were getting restless and I wanted them to get up and move around a bit so they could settle for the remainder of the circle. We did the egg matching game. It did not go as well as I wanted it to. However, it did accomplish the goal of allowing folks to get to interact with more people in the welcome exercises and also getting them up and moving for a minute when they were restless. Given the circumstances, I still think it was the right choice. Although I would facilitate the exercise differently if I did it again today. The Welcome Circle needs to be long because we get comfortable with each other by sharing experiences. Even if you sit without talking next to someone for an hour, you will start to develop a familiarity and comfort level with them which is different from when you just sat down. Why do we even do a Welcome Circle? What if we just gave everyone a handout with the 'Rules' written on it and asked them to read and sign it at the door? Would we be able to create the same experiences or atmosphere we have at Cuddle Party? I think the answer is No.
What is the the actual purpose of the Welcome Circle? |